Imagine being thrown into prison, you could try and escape which would lead to more problems. You could also explore legal avenues like appealing but for now you are locked up.
Ultimately you have 2 options.
1) Spent the duration of your time moaning and complaining about your situation, it's not fair, in other countries I'd be in open prison / get half this sentence etc.
2) Accept and make the most of your situation. Do exercises in your cell, get fit and strong, make full use of the prison gym. Read as many useful books as possible from the prison library. Identify and befriend other inmates who could benefit you in future. Plan what you are going to when you get out.
This is the situation with corona virus lockdown and most people chose option 1
* The conspiracy theorists, peddling their constantly changing theories and fake cures. All of a sudden Dave the scratch card addict who failed his high school mathematics and science watches a few error ridden videos and thinks he knows more about virology and statistics than all the worlds experts.
* All the people who promised to boycott products from China, big companies who treated their employees badly and those corner shops who tried to rip us all off. Only to quietly forget about this a few months later.
* The parents whos children fell behind with their education. Despite being free of the insanity's of the modern day school system and having the biggest library of information at their fingertips in human history.
* The people who complained about struggling financially and demanding more government help who were queuing outside Starbucks to pay 10-20 times more for something they could make at home.
One of my passions in life is travel which obviously I couldn't do or at the very least had to go through a ton of red tape like quarantining in hotels which I didn't want. The most common questions I was asked during lockdown were from people concerned about my wellbeing because I couldn't travel. The truth was it didn't bother me in the slightest, I accepted the situation as it was and made the most of it unlike most people.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
The problem with todays society is that people have it so easy they cannot deal with even the most minor inconvenience. Some of the things I would have had to deal with a couple of generations ago would include.
National service, required by law against my will, which would obviously have included having to fight in wars.
Working long hours in often dangerous conditions such as coal mining.
Being highly pressured by society to get married at a young age and spend your life as a wage slave.
Being highly pressured by society to attend church every weekend and give them a chunk of your hard earned money.
Lacking all the benefits of modern life such as internet, international travel etc.
Quiet frankly if you think that mask wearing, social distancing, pubs being closed and the like is a thread to your freedom then you need a serious reality check.
I massively improved myself during lockdown which included.
Home workouts using the highly recommended convict conditioning program. I went from only being able to do 3 push ups to over 20.
Broke my 5K running record by 20 seconds which stood for over 6 years, it's now 19:20 and I'm in my early 40s.
Cut my alcohol intake by at least 70%, since the pubs reopened I discovered I have lost my previous "taste" for alcohol and only have a couple of social drinks at a time.
Cut my junk food intake, previously I was a sucker for chocolate bars from the vending machine at work. With cashless transactions being the norm I ran out of coins and haven't used it for 8 months.
Invested the money I saved, while some people were moaning about "big pharma" I was buying up shares in their companies. My only regret was not buying bitcoin in March but I still made more money from my investments than any other year in my life.
Using meet up and similar social sites, during the months between lockdown 1 and 2. I went on multiple outdoor events and expanded my social life. Intending to put a gap between myself and friends who do little or nothing beyond drinking themselves into a coma every weekend.
Using the downtime to plan out my life after lockdown.
In short, without corona virus and the subsequent lockdowns and social disruption I wouldn't be the person I am today.
Western society is going down the toilet, I don't mean that in a mad max, apocalyptic, end of the world way but a slow decline as the above video explains.
Things are going to get worse, people are getting more desperate, more irrational, more politicly divided etc. If you can't deal with the current events then you have little or no chance of dealing with that.
This includes large sections of the manosphere who call themselves "red pilled". Even some of the most respected people like rational male were posting anti vaccine garbage. The manosphere turned mostly into a shit show instead of helping each other get through the situation. Celeb Jones was one of the exceptions with his how to succeed during corona virus lessons.
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