Teachers 'give higher marks to girls' - BBC News
Every teacher I had at primary school was female and so were the majority of the ones at secondary school. As early as the age of 6 I noticed how some in the class could misbehave but got dealt with more harshly than others for the same offence. Shout at / humiliate a girl in front of the class and she's more likely to break down and cry than a boy so the teachers are more reluctant to do it. When even a left leaning organization like the BBC admits this you know there's a problem.
Likewise there was the same issues outside of the classroom, especially when it came to violence in the school playground. Officially all violence was unacceptable to the point where literally years of non violent abuse (name calling, spreading rumours , or even inciting others to physical violence) would never be treated as seriously as the smallest physical contact.
2 boys or 2 girls are fighting with no clear indicator of who landed the landed the first punch: Both are dealt with equally fair enough
2 are fighting and teacher knows who landed first punch : Hitting back is not acceptable and is dealt with nearly as severally as the person who thrown the first punch. In other words your not allowed to defend yourself in most cases.
While this was bad enough, when it came to violence between boys and girls the double standards couldn't have been more obvious.
A boy hitting a girl would be treated more seriously than....
A bigger, older boy hitting a smaller weaker boy.
A group of boys hitting a single boy. Or a group of girls hitting a single girl, if the attackers in this video were male the consequences would have been a lot more severe.
Even the mere accusation of violence is treated differently, a girl reporting violence by a boy he is assumed guilty until proven innocent where as a boy reporting violence by a girl will often just be laughed at.
Not only does Female on male violence, get treated differently by authorities but also with bystanders. Males will get harassed by White Knights and socially shamed afterwards even when the women has thrown the first punch. Men are always in the wrong by default.
The Myth of Never Hitting a Woman – Return Of Kings
This goes through all levels of society from the school playground to nightclubs to the law of the land.
The above also applies to "hate crime" where racist and homophobic abuse is treated far more seriously than non racist and non homophobic abuse.
In short, if you are a non religious, straight, white, male you are bottom of the hierarchy.